Deleting Dashboard Tabs

Required Permissions Level on Dashboard: Administrator

The steps outlined in the article will walk you through permanently deleting a Dashboard tab for all users with access to it and/or removing it from your view.

If you'd like to simply remove a Dashboard from another user's view, please see our article (Permission Levels on Reports and Dashboards) for adjusting Tab Permissions. 

To delete a Dashboard tab: 

Step 1: Click on the tab you want to delete (verify this is the tab you'd like to delete) and press Edit (pencil) button

Step 2: To the right side of the page press the Trash/Delete Button

Step 3: In the popup, select who you'd like the dashboard tab removed for - yourself or all users



Because each dashboard has its own set of viewers, editors, schedules, and permissions, each tab must be deleted individually and you can not delete multiple tabs at the same moment.
**Please note: If you are currently an Admin on the account but are not currently seeing the dashboard listed under your dashboards so that you can delete it, you will first need to give yourself access to it by following the steps here:

Step 1: Click the Admin Tools tab from the sidebar menu

Step 2: Select the Dashboards tab

Step 3: In the dropdown, select Dashboard

Step 4: Click the name of the Dashboard you'd like to add yourself to

Step 5: Flip the toggle to SHOW ALL in the popup

Step 6: Select the radio button under Admin next to your name

Step 7: Click Okay

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