Adding an iFrame Chart to Your Dashboard

Required Subscription: Any

Required Permissions Level: Report & Dashboard Creator

Building a dashboard and want to include data from another source?  Our iFrame charts allow you to mix and match your Brightmetrics charts on the dashboard to include data from outside sources for easy reference. 

iFrames are in simple terms an HTML tag.  By using iFrame you can embed other websites, media, or documents on your dashboard.  Below, we'll walk through the steps of configuring the dashboard to include that chart.



To add an iFrame chart to your dashboard, put the dashboard in Edit Mode by clicking the pencil icon under the dashboard title:


Step 1: Click on Add Chart 

Step 2:  In the popup, select iFrame as your data source type

Step 3: Click Okay 


Step 4: Use the blue dots on the chart to resize the space the chart will fit as necessary.  Gather the information on the URL you want to display and paste it into the iFrame URL box.  You will receive a preview of the URL you are about to display:

(NOTE: If there is a specific embed option for a URL you will want to use that. 

Example; if you are using a YouTube link, there is an embed option you will want to use that is accessible under the share options below the specific video.) 



Not Usable:




Step 5: Click Apply.  The chart will appear at the bottom of your dashboard.  You can click and drag it to rearrange where it sits on the dashboard.  

Step 6: Click Save at the top of the dashboard to save changes

Step 7: Click the eye icon to put the dashboard back into view mode

A few websites that we have gotten a lot of use out of on dashboards as an iFrame charts are listed here below:

World and Local Clock: This does require setting up an account to get the display link.

Covid 19 Stats:



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