Permission Levels on Reports and Dashboards

Required Permissions Level: Create/Modify Dashboard Tabs and/or Create On-Demand Reports


Did you know that you can define, for a specific saved report or dashboard tab, what level of permissions a user has uniquely for that report or dashboard tab? This gives your team granularity in how you share different perspectives within the team and the broader organization, so even if a user is set up with the access permissions of "Create/Modify Dashboard Tabs" and/or "Create On-Demand Reports" they can be restricted from seeing a dashboard tab or report at all ("None"), or restricted to viewing only ("View"). Below is a review of the various permissions levels for reports and dashboards that can be used within Brightmetrics.

For adjusting permissions on a dashboard tab you can use these two steps shown below:

Step 1: Select the eye/pencil icon indicated below to change into a pencil icon indicating you can now edit the dashboard tab

Step 2: Select "Permissions" after selecting the dashboard tab you want to grant or adjust permission on.

For adjusting permissions on a saved report you can use these two steps shown below:

Step 1: Select "Reports" and then choose Saved Reports

Step 2: Select the 3 dots menu icon next to the report you wish to grant or adjust permission to and choose Edit Permissions.  Make the changes here to the report by sliding the tab on top to ALL USERS and then searching for the user’s name you want to share the report across to.

Admin: This will allow for anyone with this level of access to do anything they would like with the said on-demand report or dashboard tab.  They can modify, edit and choose to completely remove/delete the report. With Admin access to this report, they can also give permissions to another user ranging from admin to none.
Modify: Gives the user the ability to do anything to the report or dashboard outside of sharing permissions and complete deletion. Modify, edit, remove/add values, etc.
View: View will give you the ability to view the report or dashboard but not make changes to it. No editing can be done under the view permission level.
None: None will remove you completely from the list of persons on the report or dashboard with access rights.  The email address you change to “none” will disappear from the list of persons with permissions.
If you have any questions regarding Brightmetrics Reporting and Data Analytics Services, please email us at
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