Required Subscription: Core Module
Required Permissions Level: Report & Dashboard Creator
When you want to set up a schedule for your Reports, there are a few steps to go through.
Saving the Report
Before you can schedule a report, you have to save it. If you already have your report saved you can skip to Scheduling the Report below. If you have not saved your report, then you can start here:
Step 1: Choose Reports
Step 2: Select Standard Reports
Step 3: Choose which report you want to Save and Schedule
Step 4: Run the Report and verify it is set up for the data you want to see and click Save As
Once you have selected Save As, this dialogue box will pop up and allow you to name the report something that you will be able to reference and find quickly in your Saved Reports.
We can see our report here in the list of Saved Reports and now we can set up the scheduling for the report.
Scheduling the Report
From your Saved Reports:
Step 1. Choose the 3 dots menu on the report you want to set up a schedule for.
Step 2. Choose Send/Schedule. In the popup, choose Schedule Recurring.
Once you are here on the Schedule Report Email page, there are many options. We will go through each of the options so you are able to decipher which one(s) best suits your needs:
The "Send to" section is quite easy; you may enter as many email addresses as you wish, just ensure they are separated by a comma. Additionally, you can also enter an FTP or HTTP URL for the file to be delivered directly to that location.
A couple of things to note in the example above: we support http, https, ftp, and ftps and sftp. If you need to include FTP credentials, you should use ftps so that the credentials are not transmitted unencrypted. Please note that our FTP implementation uses Explicit TLS, in which a connection is established to the standard FTP service port 21 and the AUTH TLS command is issued to upgrade to an encrypted connection. It does not support Implicit TLS, in which a TLS connection is established to service port 990 prior to issuing FTP commands. The report will be generated by and transferred from our data center, not from the agent, so it has to be an externally accessible address. For additional information on FTP support, please click here, for our FTP support article.
The path to the file should be specified; the filename itself will be generated from the subject and date options in the schedule, the same as it is for email attachment names. You don't have to end the path with a trailing slash, we only do so for clarity.
Next, set up your subject and if desired a message to the recipient(s) about what the report entails. Your email's subject will also be the filename for the attached report.
Next, you select the format in the report that is to be sent. You have the options listed below for format. Please note - if you choose CSV format, you may want to select "Unformatted" in order to get, for instance, 4000 seconds, instead of a time string like "1:06:40".
- CSV: Formatted
- CSV: Unformatted
- PDF: Portrait
- PDF: Landscape
- Excel
Next, select the time of day you would like to receive your report and change the time zone if applicable. The time zone defaults to your current time zone. If you want to receive your reports at 7 am Eastern Standard Time, you would set it to:
Next, set up the dates that you would like to receive the report. You can choose every day, a specific day(s) of the week, or a specific day(s) of the month. Make your selection in the drop-down and then click each of the boxes to set up your selections.
If I wanted to only receive the report on the 1st and 16th of the month, I would set it up like this:
If I wanted to receive the report once a week on Monday mornings I would set it up like this:
Lastly, select the applicable filters on the report for the data you want to see.
Example: Your Saved report is for the last 14 days, for all Queues and all agents. You now want to schedule a report for the same period of time, but only want 3 agents. You would select the following filters:
Once you have the filters set up the way you want them, click Apply at the bottom and the report schedule will show like this:
You can choose to delete this schedule at any time, edit it straight from here or choose the 3 dots menu and send it at any time, copy it (which will copy all contents of the report and paste them into a new report), or you can transfer ownership to a different user on the Brightmetrics system within your account.
At any time you can pull up the current schedules and make adjustments to them by clicking on the 3 dots menu next to any of the saved reports shown here and choosing Send/Schedule:
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