Required Subscription: Genesys PureCloud
Required Permission Level: Reports and Dashboard Creator
Brightmetrics makes searching for a specific call by Conversation ID easy; if you ever have a need for this, here's how:
Using Session Data:
Step 1: In the Sidebar Menu, Click on the Reports Icon
Step 2: Select the plus button on the top right or the bottom under "Create New Report" and choose Queues and then Detail

Step 3: Click on the Fields button (this may automatically open) to show all of the Dimensions and Values that we can filter on:

Step 4: Click on the 3 dots icon located next to the Conversation ID Dimension, and choose Add Filter
Step 5: Click on the Conversation ID filter on your report filters area. Choose Matches, enter the Conversation ID into the text field, click the green checkbox and choose Run Report.

Using Agent Activity Data:
Step 1: In the Sidebar Menu, Click on the Reports Icon
Step 2: Select the plus button on the top right or the bottom under "Create New Report". Choose Agent Activity and then Detail (you can also access the Agent Activity-Detail report from the standard reports as well.)

Step 3: Click on the Fields button (this may automatically open) to show all of the Dimensions and Values that we can filter on:

Step 4: Click on the 3 dots icon located next to the Conversation ID Dimension, and choose Add Filter
Step 5: Click on the Conversation ID filter on your report filters area. Choose Matches, enter the Conversation ID into the text field, click the green checkbox and choose Run Report.

Using Queues Data:
Step 1: In the Sidebar Menu, Click on the Reports Icon
Step 2: Select the plus button on the top right or the bottom under "Create New Report". Choose Queues and then Detail:

Step 3: Click on the Fields button (this may automatically open) to show all of the Dimensions and Values that we can filter on:

Step 4: Click on the 3 dots icon located next to the Conversation ID Dimension, and choose Add Filter
Step 5: Click on the Conversation ID filter on your report filters area. Choose Matches, enter the Conversation ID into the text field, click the green checkbox and choose Run Report.

Note: you CAN also drill into any summary level report or dashboard for the detail report which will give you the Cradle-to-Grave (C2G) complete with Conversation ID on the bottom (see example screenshots below)
(Example: Agent Activity Summary Report>Details> Cradle to Grave > Conversation ID)

(Example: Dashboard Chart Magnifying Glass>Details> Cradle to Grave > Call Conversation ID)

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