To run and/or schedule a Staff Forecasting Report
Step 1: Navigate to the Insights Page in the sidebar of Brightmetrics.
Step 2: Click on Add Schedule or Run Report, depending on it you want to run it now once, or if you want to set up a recurring schedule.
Step 3: Select your Queue. You can only select one queue at a time, so if you want to see the report for multiple queues each will be run separately.
Step 4: Input the target wait time and target variance. Your Target Wait Time will apply to the ideal speed of answer in seconds; the Target Variance will apply to how many seconds over or under the Target wait time is tolerable.
Step 5: Choose the week you'd like the data for - Current Week or Following Week.
Step 6: Enter the email address where you'd like the report sent.
Step 7: If you are setting up a recurring schedule, select the time and day you'd like the report generated. If you're not setting up a schedule, the day and time will not be shown and you can skip to
Step 8: Click Save.
(Optional)** By checking the Disable Preface checkbox, the introductory information will be excluded from the report.**
The introductory preface will include:
Information on the equations, calculation, and algorithms which have been used to build the forecast report including:
- Information on how to read the forecast report
- Pertinent field and term definitions
- Other useful and clarifying information.
- Suggested number of agents by hour of the day and day of the week
- Historically-based predictions of call volume by hour of the day and day of the week
Reading your Staff Forecasting Report

- The time intervals down the left side of the table display the time intervals of the day
- The numbers atop the table represent the suggested number of agents to achieve the inputted Target Wait Time
- The blue bars follow the tolerable range of agents along the top of the table while the black bars indicate the optimal suggested number of agents for the time period
- Grey text beside these bars indicates the predicted call volume that the suggestions are based on
- The grey/blue/grey numbers also indicate the optimal number of agents to staff(blue) and the lower (grey-left) and upper (grey-right) staffing level tolerance.
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