Read-Only User - Dashboard Guide

Required Subscription: Core Subscription

Required Permission Level: Restricted User


Now that you've been given access to your Brightmetrics account, you may be wondering what you have access to and what abilities you have to play with the data.  This guide will walk you through what you may see when you login, and how you can interact with that data from the dashboard perspective. 


When you log in, you land on the dashboard page.  Any dashboards shared with you will be listed along the top.  If no dashboards are displayed, you haven't had any dashboards shared with you yet. 



On each dashboard, you will find the charts are interactive. You can focus on specific items using the key in the legend, zoom in on dates, and see time synching between time series charts:



If you'd like to download an individual chart, click the three dots on the upper right of the chart and select the format you'd like to download it to: 



You can drill through the chart to see the data making up that particular chart by clicking the magnifying glass in the upper right corner.  This gives you the ability to see the data in a table format, add additional fields or values, and allows you to rearrange the data in a different format if preferred:





To apply additional filters to the data, click the three dots to the right of any dimension, and select Add Filter: 



The filters appear at the top of the table.  Those in blue are editable by clicking on them, while those in gray have been locked by the creator of the dashboard and are not editable: 



When reviewing the summary data, if you'd like to see the details, you can click on the green + icon to the left, to drill in and see another layer of the data: 



Once you click the green + icon, you'll see the detail data has quite a bit more information available as each row is a call record.  From this view, you can do the following: 

  1. Add additional Filters to the data
  2. Change any of the existing filters in blue
  3. Apply additional sorting options
  4. Click on each call record to see the cradle to grave
  5. View additional details and parties on the call in the cradle to grave
  6. Export the cradle to grave to a PDF



If you need any assistance or have questions while in Brightmetrics, you can access our Help Section by clicking on the question mark icon at the top of your screen.  This page provides additional training resources as well as an option to contact our Support team for assistance: 



Questions or feedback? Please email us at


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