Understanding MiCC Spectrums

Required Subscription: Mitel MiCC 

Required Permission Level: Reports and Dashboard Creator

When you are building out reports for your contact center, you may run across a few questions about MiCC Spectrums and how they work in your reporting.  In this article, we answer some of those questions to help you understand a bit better how to use those in your reports and dashboards.

Spectrums look at what happens in each of the intervals of time.  An easy way to think about these is "of the calls that reach said spectrum, what happened to them?"  We often see customers using the Spectrum Dimensions along with things like Conversation Type and Media Type to see what kind of Interactions are coming into their contact center but then also how they are ending or exiting the queue in each of those spectrums like this:



(Queue Data)



Those spectrums can be adjusted in Your Site Explorer via the Queues and then Queue Spectrum tab as shown here below:


For a full list of Brightmetrics fields and their definitions, please visit our Data Definitions Page.  

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