What internet access does the Brightmetrics agent need?

The Brightmetrics agent service needs to be able to communicate with Brightmetrics' servers in order to periodically update summary data and provide detailed data on demand.  It only communicates outbound over HTTPS (port 443).  Below are the specific URL prefixes that need to be allowed (those in parentheses are for our EU site):

  • https://webapp.brightmetrics.com/ (http://eu.brightmetrics.com/)
  • https://brightmetricsstorage.blob.core.windows.net/  (http://brightmetricseu.blob.core.windows.net/)
  • https://agentnotifications.brightmetrics.com/
  • https://app.brightmetrics.com/

Note that these are URL prefixes, so anything underneath these URLs needs to be allowed.

Typically a good way to test is to use IE on the server where the agent is installed or will be installed and access some representative URLs, such as:

- You should see the agent setup instructions page.

- You should see a green checkmark

- You should see a plain text message saying "Unknown action"

It is not practical to filter using IP addresses since we use a high-availability infrastructure where DNS  names can map to and migrate between many different IP addresses.

Additionally, if you will be using Real Time dashboards, the agent will need to be able to communicate with our Real Time server cluster, which has the addresses realtime-*.brightmetrics.com (http://realtime-eu.brightmetrics.com/), where * is a letter identifying a particular Real Time host.  Currently, the addresses are:

  • realtime-a.brightmetrics.com  (a.realtime-eu.brightmetrics.com)
  • realtime-b.brightmetrics.com  (b.realtime-eu.brightmetrics.com)
  • realtime-c.brightmetrics.com
  • realtime-d.brightmetrics.com
  • realtime-e.brightmetrics.com
  • realtime-f.brightmetrics.com
  • realtime-g.brightmetrics.com

However, we will continue to add additional hosts as capacity requires, so if access can be allowed by wildcard matching, that would be preferable.

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