Can I Customize My Dashboard Tabs?

Required Subscription: Any

Required Permissions Level: Report & Dashboard Creator

Did you know you can customize not only the data perspectives that are unique to what you want to see, but your team can even customize the way you see it! You can put the dashboard in edit mode and customize these dashboard tabs.

One such customization is configuring the color of the tab and the text font color that displays the name you've chosen for that tab: 

Step 1: Click the pencil/eye icon to drop into Edit Mode

Step 2: Click Dashboard Settings

Step 3: Change the Tab Name

Step 4: Change your color from available options on the palate from the drop-down menu and click Apply.


Changes will take effect on your live dashboard once you've clicked Apply on that dashboard settings tab

In addition to customizing your dashboard tabs, you also have the ability to adjust the filters being applied on the charts on your dashboard with one or 2 quick selections. While in edit mode (described above) choose the Replace Filters option shown here:
Once that button is chosen you'll see a breakdown of each of the filters being applied to the charts on that dashboard and you can make a change directly from there by clicking on the filter selection you'd like to update:
Once you've made a change here just ensure you scroll to the bottom and choose Apply and then Save on your dashboard tab to save the change.
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