Why does my native Mitel report not match Brightmetrics?

Required Subscription: Mitel MiVC, MVCCC

Required Permission Level: Reports and Dashboard Creator

One of the most frequent questions we get from our Mitel MIVOICE Connect Contact Center (MVCCC)(ShoreTel ECC) Analytics users goes something like this: How come Mitel's report says "this" and Brightmetrics says "that"???

When you are running a report in Mitel's MVCCC (ShoreTel ECC) and then trying to replicate it in Brightmetrics, you may run into a few fields that are not matching up, causing you to wonder why. While initially, this may be frustrating, what you'll experience most of the time is that the discrepancies between these reports are minimal, typically off by a few count or a % or so. The reasoning behind this is the very reason most customers decide to stick with Brightmetrics as their primary reporting perspective... Mitel MVCCC (ShoreTel ECC) will only show summary data and does not provide any capability for you (or us) to drill through to see the records that those summaries should be built from. We've seen this as a place where we can do better and provide more robust perspectives to our MVCCC (ShoreTel ECC) customers because Brightmetrics does actually allow you to drill through to the detail records that are reflected in our summary reports for MVCCC (ShoreTel ECC). We can only do that because we build out our own data source using the MVCCC (ShoreTel ECC) CCIR events records (since we don't have a native MVCCC (ShoreTel ECC) data source from Mitel to build out these reports). So as a result, the reports are generated from different data sets. Mitel MVCCC (ShoreTel ECC) has it's own internal engine for creating their static canned summary reports. Alternatively, Brightmetrics uses the CCIR data, which is written by Mitel MVCCC (ShoreTel ECC) event feeds, but is not always exactly the same as what you end up seeing MVCCC (ShoreTel ECC)'s canned summary reports. In the end, while these reports may differ very slightly but still provide accurate actionable data for you to base decisions on.

In short, there is no way to force the reports to be exactly the same; being built from 2 different data sources, both of which we have no control over, makes that impossible. Brightmetrics is not pulling data from a MVCCC (ShoreTel ECC) database, so there is no way to get a directly equivalent data set from MVCCC (ShoreTel ECC). It's not simply a matter of providing the fields we use so that an equivalent report can be constructed in MVCCC (ShoreTel ECC) or in Excel using data from an MVCCC (ShoreTel ECC) database since we are using a different source of data built from the MVCCC (ShoreTel ECC) CCIR.

What is Mitel MIVOICE Connect Contact Center (MVCCC)(ShoreTel ECC) CCIR?: 

Mitel developed the Contact Center Interaction Report (CCIR) database event stream known as the Contact Center Interaction Reports (CCIR). The CCIR database contains many inter-related tables representing all kinds of call and agent events. The database schema itself is available from Mitel but it is generally up to the customer to mine the data they need.

What if the discrepancies I'm seeing are more than minor?

When you are matching up the 2 reports, there are a few things you will want to ensure are the same. Typically the most common issues when matching up the 2 reports are different parameters selected from Mitel and Brightmetrics within these types of filter here below:

  • Filters for dates and times
  • Filters for groups and agents

Once you have ensured that you have the 2 reports matched up in filter selections, you should be all set to compare. 

Here are a few examples of common reports that are matched up:

DNIS Report from Mitel:


Group Data Report from BrightMetrics with DNIS-DNIS Name:



Group Data Report from Mitel:


Group Data Report from BrightMetrics:

BrightMetrics only shows calls accepted, because no data is logged to CCIR for the group if the call was offered but not accepted (i.e. deflected).  This happens mostly in groups with no agents logged in, but possibly also shift rules.

Our calculated field "Call Count - Answered" includes both calls that were answered by members of the group, or answered by members of another group (i.e. overflow). We are indicating that the ultimate disposition of the call was that it was answered. If you want to see only calls that were answered by members of that specific group, you could either break out call count by "exit reason", or create a custom calculated field that could filter the "Call Count -Answered" to only sum the count with an exit reason of "AgentAnswered." 

Please see the link here for steps and information on creating a custom field:

Custom Calculated Fields

For wait time / talk time / wrap time, BrightMetrics is simply going by the times that Mitel logs to the CCIR data. You can drill into the detail to see the details of every call and how it affects your averages. Again, there is no data behind Mitel's MVCCC summary reports to know how a number is being derived so comparisons against these fields proves impossible. Additionally, Mitel MVCCC includes both talk and hold time in "Avg Talk Time and Brightmetrics breaks those out separately.  

An alternative value you can configure your reports to use is the "avg treatment time" if you want, which is talk + hold + wrap, or again make a custom calculated field that is talk + hold.


As noted when you are running a report in Mitel's MVCCC (ShoreTel ECC) and then trying to replicate it in Brightmetrics you may run into a few fields that are not matching up. Whenever this happens, chances are we are showing the same data just lined out a little differently. If these discrepancies are off by significant proportions, we always are available to look deeper into why with you!

Questions or feedback? Please send an email to support@brightmetrics.com and we would be happy to assist!


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