How to Uninstall the Brightmetrics Agent

Required Subscription: Mitel MiVC, MiCC, MiVB

Required Permission Level: Administrator

In this article, we will guide you through:

  • How to uninstall the Brightmetrics Agent
  • A few reasons that you may want to do so
  • Where you can find a list of Brightmetrics agents in use
Locating the Installed Brightmetrics Agents 
The installed Agents can be found by:
  1. Navigate to the Data Sources Icon in the Sidebar of Brightmetrics.
  2. Click the Agents tab at the top of the page. (See example screenshot below.)


(Example: Data Sources Page - Agents)
(Note: The Data Sources Page can only be seen and accessed by Administrators)
Reasons for Uninstalling a Brightmetrics Agent: 
  • You have requested to discontinue your subscription to one of the Brightmetrics service modules
  • You want to move the agent to another location*
*To uninstall and move an existing agent to another location, use the reinstall information here instead.
Uninstalling steps for Brightmetrics Agent:
  1. Notify us
  2. Removing the agent will not cancel the subscription; you will want to notify Brightmetrics support and/or your value-added reseller (VAR) to ensure that any subscriptions or modules that you would no longer like to use have, in fact, been canceled.
  3. Once you have identified and accessed the server that the agent is installed on
  4. Navigate to the Add/Remove Programs control panel and uninstall the agent from there.
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