Required Subscription: Mitel MiVC
Required Permission Level: Reports and Dashboard Creator

When we run the report with no filters, we see something like this:

This is showing us in total of the "Time - Logged-in" column that Bob was logged into any one of the workgroups (everything is basically captured under 'n/a') for a total at the bottom, and then a break out, under "Time - Logged-in (per-workgroup)", of the time that he was logged into each workgroup. We can also see that ‘n/a’ displays a total under Time - Logged-in, this is because it’s not looking at any particular workgroup.
Applying a filter by Workgroup will cause the Time – Logged-In to be 00:00:00 because the report query will now only pull data from all named workgroups in order to determine the amount of time logged into any of them. Even when filtering on the workgroups that we know Bob was logged into, the result will show as 00:00:00 for the Time – Logged-In.
Time – Logged-In: This represents the amount of time logged into any workgroup.
- Application of an Agent filter displays Time - Logged-In under workgroup
- Application of an Agent filter will cause the Time – Logged-In(per-workgroup) to display the cumulative duration for each workgroup that the agent was logged into. Totals will display the sum of all of these durations combined.
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Real Time - MVCCC (ShoreTel ECC): "Group Logged Into" Filter
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