Required Subscription: Core Subscription
Required Permission Level: Restricted User
There are many reasons you might want to print or export a report out of Brightmetrics. You might be sharing it with someone who doesn't need access to Brightmetrics. Or you might want to get it into a format in which you can perform further calculations or analysis. The information below will show you all the ways in which you can get data out of Brightmetrics should you need to.
Brightmetrics allows you to export reports in any of three different formats.
PDF - This universally recognized format is great for passing around a report among different stakeholders. However, it is limited if you a) think you might need to manipulate the report further, or b) have a report that will not fit on a letter-sized document. Brightmetrics does its best to fit your PDF report on a letter-sized page (even automatically switching from portrait to landscape and narrowing columns if necessary). But if there are too many columns on the report, the PDF format will clip the remaining columns.
XLS - This is the native Excel format. Brightmetrics formats the XLS report to look good when opened in Excel. All subtotal and total groupings are maintained. Use this format if you want to be able to open the report in Excel, but you won't be doing much additional manipulation.
CSV - This is a generic, unformatted layout that can be imported into Excel or many other data toolsets. Fewer header rows and total fields are present here. This is the format to use if you intend to perform additional manipulation of the data.
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