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When you’re reviewing the interactions that came into your team’s queue and see abandoned interactions that seem like they were queued for much longer than normal, the natural question follows: “What was everyone doing when we had an opportunity to serve this customer better?”
Brightmetrics' Team Activity Feature allows you to answer these types of questions by:
- Showing the agent's activity while the interactions were living in that queue
- Color coding the bars that depict the duration of each agent's status based on the activity type that they had while the call was queued.
Here we can see a call with an unusually long queue time:

Here's how you can use this information to further research your team's activity.
How to access the Team Activity View:
The Team Activity feature can be seen on any cradle-to-grave report where a caller is routed through a group or queue. Paths to access team activity include but are not limited to:
- Dashboard > Drill through details > Cradle to Grave (C2G)
- Real Time Dashboard > Real Time Agent Status Timeline > Cradle to Grave (C2G)
- Reports > Summary Report > Details > Cradle to Grave (C2G)
- Reports > Detail Report > Cradle to Grave (C2G)
To access via a detail report:
1. Click on the record you want to see the Cradle to Grave view for
2. Click on the group or queue leg of the call. This will be the leg with the gold cap in the upper right.
3. Click the Team Activity option.

Once in this view, you'll see the list of agents. You can hover on the details next to the agent to see a popup of their activity during that time. You can also click on those details to open those within a new Cradle to Grave. With this information, we can better determine the strengths and the opportunities of our team.
We hope the Team Activity Feature will give you some unique insights that will allow you to better manage the activities of your team.
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