We're excited you're activating Brightmetrics reporting for your Genesys Cloud account! This article is for if you've already had Brightmetrics added to your Genesys subscription. If you're looking to start a new trial, you'll want to follow our article for Installing Brightmetrics for Genesys Cloud.
Step 1: Log in to PureCloud at https://apps.mypurecloud.com.
Step 2: Once you are logged in, choose Admin on the top and then Integrations:
Once you select Integrations you'll see the current Integrations you have in your apps library and you'll need to add the Brightmetrics integration.
Step 3: Click on the plus button in the top right-hand corner next to Integrations.
Step 4: In the next page you'll locate the Brightmetrics integration:
Steps 5 & 6: Click the Install option and then agree to the TOS and choose Yes:
Step 7: Once you choose yes you'll then Create a New Role. Choose Add Role:
Step 8: Choose to Create a New Role. You will need to give the Role a name and description and then choose Save.
Step 9: Toggle the Role to Active and choose Yes for change status:
Step 10: Once the Role is created and Saved, you can assign people to this Role as shown below. Click on the Add People icon:
Step 11: You'll then type in their names in the search box and include each person that should have access to the Brightmetrics reporting; make sure to add yourself. Once each person is added, click Save:
Step 12: Refresh your browser and click on Apps and then Brightmetrics. Brightmetrics will now be configured for your organization.
Step 13: Choose Open Brightmetrics to bring you into Brightmetrics reporting and dashboards.
***Please note once this is done the account is provisioned and begun on Brightmetrics side so that anyone with that Role that has been added will be able to access Brightmetrics from the sidebar menu in Genesys as shown here:
Questions or concerns, please reach out to support@brightmetrics.com.
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